Sound Advice and Classroom Acoustics

Spring is the time of year that families are finalizing their child’s preschool plans for the Fall. I share the Sound Advice article and the Mural with parents and teachers alike as they consider a classroom's acoustics and plan for accommodations or modifications to meet the child that is deaf or hard of hearing needs.  

The Sound Advice article and Mural available for free download in The Listening Room. It was created by my friend and colleague David Sindrey, M.Cl.Sc, LSLS Cert. AVT. Phonak and Advanced Bionic’s, The Listening Room generously offers abundant free rehabilitation and educational resources.

You need to create a free account. Then once in,
  • Go To Lessons
  • Search for Murals in the search bar
  • Choose Interactive Murals
  • Sound Advice is Exercise 3


Remarkable Scripps National Spelling Bee Contestant

Do you remember my friend, Neil Maes the incredibly talented fifth-grader who made it to the Scripps National Spelling Bee in 2016? This year on March 3rd (National Hearing Day), Neil competed at Regionals and was 2nd place!!!! The winner goes to the National Bee in May 2018.

Neil is an amazing speller, with an incredible vocabulary, high literacy and so happens to have been born deaf. His mastery of spoken language and literacy is a result the fierce determination of his parents Peter and Christy.

Megan Swanson AVT- Netflix Nailed It Contestant

Megan Swanson, Miss Amazing strikes again. Watch Megan this time star on the Netflix Show, Nailed It. Season 1 Episode 4. Megan hears with a cochlear implant, is one of my LSL Auditory Verbal Graduates, an AG Bell Loft Alumnus and won Miss Amazing Miss 2017. Megan is an "amazing" role model for others listening and spoken language.