Groundbreaking Research for LSL Outcomes For Children Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Have you read Hearing First's latest white paper,

 “Mission: Probable - Age-Appropriate Listening and Spoken Language Abilities for Children with Hearing Loss.”?

Hearing First partnered with Dr. Jace Wolfe to create a paper summarizing the recent landmark research studies that show evidence that infants and children with hearing loss can achieve outstanding listening and spoken language outcomes. This paper also includes practical ways you can apply the research to your journey and optimize the outcomes of your child with hearing loss. 

If you’re the parent of a child with hearing loss, an LSL professional, or someone who’s interested in the research showing that children who are deaf or hard of hearing can learn to listen and talk, this white paper is for you! 

 Follow Hearing First, then you can now download the paper and read the summaries of groundbreaking research for LSL outcomes! Register for the Professional Learning community or the Parent to Parents Support Community

Aria - The Word Snatcher

I met Aria at a few months of age when she began auditory verbal therapy. Her parents were still in shock of her diagnosis but have never let profound hearing loss define their family. It is hard to believe Aria's Mom was not an English speaker when we first met. They learned English together.

This family does what it takes, follows the LSL Auditory Verbal Principles and have not wavered in their dedication and commitment for Aria to learn to listen and talk, which powers literacy, academic and lifetime success. Today Aria hears with two cochlear implants, uses Listening and Spoken Language is an independent middle schooler with many friends and interests. Aria is a talented illustrator, a lover of art, an avid reader and an obsessive fan of Harry Potter. She has the musical Hamilton memorized! 

Last week, Aria acted in her school play, the Phantom Tollbooth. Ironically, Aria played the part of the Word Snatcher. Way to go Aria!

Aria and I in May of 2017 at her art show.

Hear On Learning Videos For Families of Children identified with Permanent Hearing Loss.

The Hear On suite of learning videos was created for families of children identified with permanent hearing loss. They were each created with a clear parent need for information in mind.  They are roughly ordered as we think parents may best make use of them. But of course each family has their own particular journey. 

The videos start with the first ABR appointment and move on from there. Watch them in order, or jump around as you like. Invite others important to your child's care to come watch as well. Welcome. Please come back often to see if we have posted something new.

Auditory Verbal Graduate Marches in the 2019 Tournament of Roses Parade

Congrats to Ally Breen one of my auditory verbal graduates who marched today in the 2019 Tournament of Roses Parade with Illinois’s Lincoln-Way Central High School Marching Band and Colorguard. 
Ally hears with bilateral cochlear implants and represents children with hearing loss who use Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) to reach their full potential. LSL powers spoken language, literacy, and lifetime success. If you want to know more about LSL head over to

Ally a junior in HS has received early acceptance at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee her dream college.  So proud of you Ally! No limits.