Spring-time Authentic Listening Activities For Kids with Hearing Loss


AUTHENTIC LISTENING ACTIVITIES with Easter and Spring props are super motivating activities. Real-life props grow listening and language skills beyond rote directions like drawing a pink circle around the rabbit.

  • Activities with props target critical elements that are pieces of information, presented auditorally, which the child holds in their short-term memory to perform a task.

  • Auditory directions can range from simple one-step to complex tasks.

  • Listening for the details like a yellow vs green vs aqua Easter basket, the rabbit with white fur vs the rabbit with a fluffy tail or the big mama turtle vs two baby turtles are examples.

Kids love listening and acting out short stories that target comprehension. Sequencing and story retelling builds working memory, and foster the use of clear speech and pragmatic language skills!

It's never too late to start collecting and gathering seasonal props!