Humpty Dumpty and Leftover Easter Eggs


Do you have leftover hard-boiled eggs from Easter?

Then, try this rich Listening and Language Activity!

First, make Humpty Dumpty From an Easter egg. There is a whole listening and spoken language lesson in just making Humpty Dumpty from an egg. Be creative!

Then, act out Humpty Dumpty with the hard-boiled egg, toy horses, and a wall made from a block or box.

A few spokenlanguage targets:

For TODDLERS focus on "more", "uh-oh", "sit down", "fall down" "broken" talk about the horses, and more.

For PRESCHOOLERS, while re-enacting Humpty Dumpty target fine auditory discrimination involving syntax such as sat/sit, fall/fell, horse/horses/ man/men.

Talk about POSITIONAL WORDS - on, off, top, bottom, under, over above, below, before, after, before, over, under, on, off.

Expand your child's vocabulary with SYNONYMS for broken - break, separate, split up, fall apart, and come apart.

Talk about HUMPTY DUMPTY'S changing EMOTIONS throughout the nursery rhyme - happy, frightened, sad, hurt, disappointed.

CRITICAL THINKING and conversations can emerge while discussing how to repair HUMPTY DUMPTY.

Have fun listening and talking. We sure did!