ALDA Chicago Workshop Auditory Rehabilitation Post CI (Association for Late Deafened Adults)


On the 26th of June, I presented at the 2022 ALDA Chicago Chapter Workshop. (Association of Late-Deafened Adults). It was an outstanding event. I enjoyed sharing, answering questions, and chatting with members and other professional colleagues.

The organization has been meeting in greater Chicagoland since 1987, with a motto to provide support, education, and camaraderie for adults with hearing loss.

Learn more at about the National ALDA Organization and the Chicago Chapter. Click Here to view or download the ALDA brochure.

Andy and Carol Ban are dear friends of mine. We first met in the early 1990s soon after I relocated to Chicagoland. We served together on the Illinois Chapter of A.G. Bell. What rich memories!


Father of Aural Rehabilitation - Mark Ross


"When someone in the family has a hearing loss, the entire family has a hearing problem."
Attributed to Mark Ross, Ph.D.

With great sadness, I share the news that Dr. Mark Ross passed away on April 21, 2021, at 94 years of age. Mark had a long and stellar career in audiology and is known as the “father of aural rehabilitation”. Dr. Ross had a great impact on more than a generation of audiologists and was a strong advocate for those who are hard of hearing even in his retirement. His contributions to aural rehabilitation have been profound and he will be missed. Mark himself had a significant hearing loss due to the damage he suffered while serving in WWII.

Auditory Egg Hunt With Localization Goals For Children That Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Auditory Egg Hunt with eggs that talk and call out* to give hints of their hiding spots.

Here's how to play:
➼ Hide the noise-making toy eggs.
➼ Ask, WHAT do you hear?
➼ Then, WHERE is the sound is coming from?

✧ Keep the choices simple. "Do you hear the sound near the windows or closer to the fireplace?"
✧ It is so much easier to "look and find" so this Little Listener chose to wear the no-peeking mask. He found all the eggs by localizing and through hearing alone. ❤ This took practice and is a challenging task for many.

Sound Localization
The ability to localize sounds develops over time. The earlier your child has received their bilateral cochlear implants/hearing aids, the sooner they will start picking up sound cues and gains valuable experiences localizing sounds.

Tips For Children Learning To Locate Sound Sources

Using two different musical toys, hidden from the child’s view, locating one to the left of the child and one to the right side of the child. Then, make a sound with each instrument in varied sequence, ask your child to identify which instrument is on which side. You can do this with Mom's vs. Dad's voice as well.

- At the dinner table or while playing games help your child locate who is speaking. Your entire family can help the child learn to locate and follow the natural flow of conversation.

- Playing hide-and-seek indoors (e.g. room or house), hiding yourself, and calling out to your child to find you. This task may be varied by taking turns between hiding and searching

- Games in a group, such as “Blindman’s Buff ” or “I Spy” (with sounds), and hand-clapping games are ideal for practicing sound localization in a playful way.

Safety and Sound Localization

Teach your child that is deaf or hard of hearing to be extra alert visually in crowds, walking near cars, crossing streets, riding bicycles, and in group games. Remind your child to look for traffic and not to depend on hearing oncoming vehicles. If your child rides a bicycle, consider rear-view mirrors to help him see traffic he might not hear.

Localization GOAL with Benchmarks
Child will auditory locate with bilateral cochlear implants or hearing aids:
- a sound presented at ear level within a 3-foot radius in front or on either side
- a sound presented at ear level within a 6-foot radius from behind
- understand and verify gross, environmental, music, or speech sounds within 9 feet, then 12 feet, and finally, within the same room in all directions.
- Understand sounds with a specific location or direction outside.

* JoJo & Friends Electronic Easter Egg Hunt by Ouaps Company