I Build Brains! Do you?

Building brains

Building brains


In a current Learning Experience or online course with HearingFirst.org, entitled LSL Auditory Verbal Strategies and Techniques, a discussion emerged about the importance of auditory verbal therapists being "brain builders and sharing the importance of a child’s first five years of life with families. The video shared in the course was powerful!

"BRAIN POWER: From Neurons to Networks"

Take 10 minutes and watch the video!

Do you know that:
Children's brains have over a quadrillion connections, which is more than adults who have 300 trillion connections, and the ENTIRE internet, which has about 100 trillion connections.

Children are not born with this many connections. They are formed by the child's interactions at a rate of 700 to 1000 new connections per second during the first 3 to 5 years of life. These connections form the "architecture" of the brain. 

Every single time you or whoever interacts with a child, their brain is quite literally being built!

If you are interacting with your child, you are a brain builder just like me!