LISTENING DETECTIVE is a game created to provide practice with descriptive vocabulary and complex sentences. Players take turns describing and identifying objects on a colorful, mysterious and enticing game board.
The Describer - gives the descriptions to the other player(s) which targets expressive language skills. They describe exactly with their words. Acting out or using body language is not allowed.
The Detective - listens and tries to determine what the other player is describing which targets auditory comprehension, memory skills and critical thinking. They listen to a description, create a picture in their mind and then name the object.
This resource includes:
A coaching handout for parents, teachers and therapist with prompts aimed at expanding vocabulary using descriptions and definitions
Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) Tips for game play
Listening Detective can be -
Printed or played at home or in face-to face sessions.
Used on a computer, iPad or teletherapy platforms using PDF reader apps such as the free Adobe Reader DC . In teletherapy, open the PDF, then screen share that window into the teletherapy platform.