READY TO GO Auditory Skills are school-themed materials at your fingertips This Ready to Go resource is useful for distance learning, in a therapy setting, small group, classroom, or at home. Space is included for collecting data. . It can be used alongside a reinforcing game or as terrific warm-up exercises.
Examples of the following skillsets which are targeted:
Set 1: Auditory Discrimination (e.g.) Same/Different Teacher - Creature
Set 2: Categorization (e.g.) Listen then name 3-6 items that can be found on the playground...
Set 3: Auditory Memory (e.g.) Listen and repeat the words in the same order: School, school supplies, school lunch, school bell, school bus.
Set 4: Auditory Directions (e.g.) Count backward from 10 before naming 2 words that rhyme with school.
Check out Ready To Go - Auditory Skills resources for other seasons and holidays.
Additional Back To School Listening and Spoken Language Resources