How The Simple Yet Powerful Listening Check Became Known As The Ling Test.

I want to commend Ellie White, MS MAEd, CED and Jenna Voss, Ph.D., CED, LSLS Cert. AVEd for including in their book, Small Talk: Bringing Listening and Spoken Language to Your Young Child with Hearing Loss (pg. 148) how the simple yet powerful listening check became known as the Ling Test. I am confident many of the LSL professionals today never knew Dan or were taught by him. He was a tremendous friend and without Dan’s early referrals I may not be in private practice today.

Some of our members in the Community may not be familiar with, The Ling Consortium named in honor of the foundational work and extraordinary contributions of the late Dr. Daniel Ling, O.C. a pioneer of Auditory-Verbal practice for children with hearing loss. It is an international consortium of professionals developing and delivering globally recognized university-based courses on listening and spoken language for children with hearing loss.

The  Consortium offers videos from Dr. Daniel Ling at the Auditory Verbal Learning Institute (AVLI) at the University of Ottawa in 2002. 

Video 1 - Assessment of speech

Video 2 - The speech signal in acquiring listening and spoken language

Video 3 - Crucial bases of the Ling System