Global Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss - Vision and Purpose Video

I am humbled to have been part of the Global Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss​ team in Vietnam providing opportunities in this developing country for early identification of hearing loss, access to hearing technology and the support of trained professionals to help develop listening and spoken language.

Listen to Paige Stringer, the founder and executive director share the Global Foundation's vision and purpose based on her own experiences growing up with hearing loss in America.

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Global Foundation For Children With Hearing Loss in Vietnam


This July,  I had the opportunity to travel on a  humanitarian trip with the Global Foundation For Children With Hearing Loss in Vietnam led by Paige Stringer who was born hard-of-hearing, but was identified with hearing loss early in life and received auditory-verbal therapy.  The Foundation is in collaboration with the Thuan An Center for Disabled Children and Ho Chi Minh City University and provides a training curricula covering topics in audiology, speech-language pathology, early intervention and auditory-verbal practice. 

The mentoring and Auditory-Verbal Therapy was taxing with long days but I loved working with the children, their families, the therapists, and “technicians” (audiologists) and we seemed to be making a significant impact. Parents all around the world are the same - 
wanting their children with hearing loss to listen and speak! 

The Global Foundation has a website and a blog of their activities 
so be sure to check it out regularly.

The Global Foundation for Children With Hearing Loss aims to make a direct and lasting impact on the futures of thousands of deaf and hard of hearing children around the world by providing them with access to the technology, education, and resources they need to become contributing members of society.

The weekend site-seeing was amazing but after almost three weeks I’m glad to be home. 

Thuan An Center for Disabled Children in Vietnam

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Some of the Professionals I mentored.


A few of the kids and parents in the auditory verbal program.

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One of my favorite pictures of the floating market in Vietnam.


Listening and Spoken Language in Vietnam

I accepted an invitation to join the Global Foundation For Children with Hearing Loss in Vietnam this summer. It will be a  privilege to be part of this network of audiologists, speech pathologists and auditory-verbal therapists that share my compassion and enthusiasm for empowering professionals and families with the expertise and tools they need to help their children with hearing loss achieve their full potential in our hearing world.

The Foundation aims to make a direct and lasting impact on the future of thousands of children that are deaf and hard of hearing around the world by providing them with access to the technology, education, and resources they need to become contributing members
 of society.

Take a few minutes to view these two videos below. 
This first video showcases the Global Foundation For Children With Hearing Loss,
 the vision, and the multi-faceted program that is changing lives for children 
who are deaf or hard of hearing in Vietnam.

The second video features the teacher training program.

The Summer Training component features curricula covering topics in audiology, speech-pathology, early intervention, and auditory-verbal practice. Teachers, medical teams, therapists, audiology technicians, and families from the participating schools, clinics, and hospitals travel to Thuan An Center each summer to board and to attend the training. Those who pass the final test at the conclusion of each summer workshop progress to the next level the following year and build on their knowledge over time.
The curricula include lectures and practicum for Vietnamese professionals and evening sessions for families - all designed to help children with hearing loss develop their listening and spoken language skills.  We also fit hearing aids on children from low-income families as part of our audiology training course.
The Global Foundation and Thuan An Center held the first training event in Summer, 2010. Subsequent programs were held in 2011, 2012, and 2013 with the next one scheduled for Summer, 2014.
If you want to find out more go to:

Thanks in advance for your interest in this opportunity for us to make a difference in the lives of so many children in Vietnam. I would appreciate your prayers in this adventure.
Many thanks,