Auditory Verbal Graduate Earned the Rank of Eagle Scout

Mat, may the high goals and ideals 
which led to this special honor 
continue to inspire you in years ahead.

Help me congratulations Mat, one of my AV graduates who earned the rank of Eagle Scout this week. He began AV therapy at about 8 months old and received services through middle school. Today, he is a junior in high school, a high achiever, a leader and a spoken language superstar. Mat is looking at universities with the inspiration to become a research audiologist.

Auditory Verbal therapy made it possible for Mat to learn to listen, talk with clear and natural speech, develop spoken language, excellent literacy, and academic skills. He hears with a cochlear implant.

Mat and his Mom. - His biggest advocate and teacher

Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America. 

After 16 years we are still great friends!

Mat attended the 2016 A.G. Bell's LOFT (Leadership Opportunities for Teens) program
 this past summer in Denver. 
Mat is front and center wearing the white and yellow. 

Leadership Opportunities For Teens in Denver at ‪#‎AGBELL2016‬.

My AV graduate Mat began therapy at eight-months-old and received services through middle school. Today he is a very well-spoken, confident leader with a bright future. Mat is front and center wearing the white and yellow. 

A few months ago Mat told me that the advocacy information and my words of experience I shared with him in middle school were right although, he didn't think so back then. Ha! I'm pleased Mat listened to my recommendation and attended LOFT in Denver at ‪#‎AGBELL2016‬

Leadership Opportunities For Teens is for high school students who are deaf and hard of hearing and use listening and spoken language as their mode of communication. LOFT is designed to develop or strengthen skills in individual leadership, teamwork, group dynamics, public speaking, and self-advocacy. It has always been a rewarding experience for teens from the AV Center of Wheaton. ‪#‎LOFTeens‬

One of Mat's Loft counselors is the daughter of the family who introduced me to Auditory Verbal therapy so many years ago. Here is the link to read my post, The Family That Paved the Way for Me Supporting Families of Children with Hearing Loss Stacey was an amazing role model for Mat and the other LOFT participants.

 Mat and Stacey Lim, Au.D., Ph.D., CCC-A. 
Dr. Lim, a licensed audiologist, is an assistant professor of audiology at Central Michigan University. She was identified with hearing loss at the age of 10 months and was fitted with her first pair of hearing aids a month later. She received a cochlear implant at the age of 18. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the College of Wooster with a minor in German Language and Literature, she spent a year in Germany on a Fulbright Scholarship. When she returned to Ohio, Dr. Lim received her Au.D. from the Northeast Ohio Au.D. Consortium (NOAC) and her Ph.D. from Kent State University, with specializations in early intervention, pediatric audiology, cochlear implants, and educational audiology. Dr. Lim’s research specialties are literacy, cochlear implants, and aural rehabilitation.