Stages of Play and Ways to Make The Most Out of Playtime Learning

Wonderful, visually attractive and factual infographic on the importance of play in early childhood. Even if you think you have heard this all before take a glance. In fact, I would love to have this print in my office. 

The author from Nourish shares that just letting the child play is often the best approach but there are certain things you can do to make the most of playtime learning. The graphics clearly share key points in play, the role of play in development, stages of play and ways to support the child’s play. It has excellent content for professionals and when guiding and coach parents and caregivers. 

The graphic’s header has the brilliant quote from Robert Louis Stevenson,

Happy hearts and happy faces, 
Happy play in grassy places— 
That was how in ancient ages, 
Children grew to kings and sages.

The Power of Play - Children's Work

The Ultimate Playlist: 50 Reasons to Believe in the Power of Play - - Infographic

When it comes to a child's physical, emotional, and cognitive and listening and spoken language growth, nothing is more enriching and empowering than playtime. The magic of play can unfold anywhere as long as children have the freedom to unleash their imaginations - on the playground, deep in the woods, nestled in the sandbox, or inside cardboard boxes! 

This infographic provides a fun and colorful assortment of reasons to believe in the power of play and to stand up for recess across the globe.