Tell Me You're An Audiologist Without Telling Me You're An Audiologist! Ear Protection Guards Against Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Tell me you're an audiologist without telling me your an audiologist..png

I stopped by my daughter and son-in-law’s home unannounced and my grandsons were helping their Daddy mow the grass. My audiologist’s heart was full as all three were wearing ear protection and guarding against hearing loss. They listened to my years of talking about hearing, hearing loss, auditory verbal therapy, hearing devices, and more!

Everyone knows that wearing sunblock protects against sun damage but we need to share with family, friends, and strangers that ear protection can protect against hearing loss caused by loud noises. Noise-induced hearing loss can build over time, is permanent, and is preventable!

Teach kids about noise and hearing loss, by being a good role model..
1. Wear hearing protectors, such as earplugs or earmuffs.
2. Move away from the noise.
3. Lower the volume.
4. Learn more at

Do you work with families and children that are deaf and hard of hearing? Check out my Listen with Lynn resources, games, and activities!