The Joys Of Raising Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

A Movement to Celebrate the Magic of Raising Children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Fostering Joy is a family/professional effort celebrating the joy of raising a child who is deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH).  Fostering Joy provides support and resources for families and professionals to positively help the growth and development of a child who is D/HH. Loving and supportive families provide a strong base for social and emotional health and well-being. Focusing on special moments that bring joy helps families put aside concerns and focus on their natural and loving parent-child connections

Hands and Voices shares that research says…

  • Parents who report experiencing high levels of stress tend to have deaf or hard of hearing children who have greater levels of emotional difficulties and reduced socio-emotional development. (Hintermair, 2006). 

  • Among families with deaf or hard of hearing children, taking care of the special needs of family members and having insufficient relief from stress were rated as having the greatest negative impact on Family Quality of Life. (Jackson, Wegner & Turnbull, 2010).

  • An overview of emotional availability of caregivers toward infants and toddlers has shown that the extent to which caregivers can attend, attune, and foster engagement with their infants and toddlers will influence the child’s social and emotional development. (Bornstein, Suwalsky & Breakstone, 2012).

  • Positive mother-child interactions are reinforced by social networks of families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. (Meadow-Orlans, Mertens & Sass-Lehrer, 2003).

  • Parent attitudes, parent involvement, social support, expectations, and problem-solving skills are related to academic and social development of children who are deaf. (Calderon & Greenberg, 2011).

Share/download this Family Tip Sheet.

ConnectParents you are invited  to join a closed Fostering Joy Facebook group and follow Instagram@DHHFosteringJoy and use #DHHFosteringJoy