World Emoji Day and Listening and Language Ideas For Kids With Hearing Loss


Happy 😊 World Emoji Day! The word “emoji” is made up of two different words: 'e' for picture and ‘moji’ is for character. Emojis attempt to fill the space when written communication happens virtually.

Kids ❤️ emojis and so do we! My Emoji cookie cutters and play dough is a fun activity for kids with hearing loss learning to listen and talk.

Try these ideas for growing listening and language with emojis.

  1. 😊 For little listeners, emojis are a great way to target emotions, happy, sad, surprised...

2. Can the child listen 🦻🏼 (don't look) to a phrase of identical words and identify the intended emotion?

Where is my 🐶 puppy? - 😊 Happy tone 🦻🏼

Where is my 🐶 puppy? -🤨 Angry tone 🦻🏼

Where is my 🐶 puppy? -🥺 Scared tone 🦻🏼

3. World Emoji Day It's a great way to begin a discussion about different ways people communicate, even across language barriers, and how we express sentiment.

Do you have a favorite emoji? What ones do you use most frequently?

Visit my Listen With Lynn store for games, activities, and resources for children that are deaf and hard of hearing learning to listen and talk.

Tell Me You're An Audiologist Without Telling Me You're An Audiologist! Ear Protection Guards Against Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Tell me you're an audiologist without telling me your an audiologist..png

I stopped by my daughter and son-in-law’s home unannounced and my grandsons were helping their Daddy mow the grass. My audiologist’s heart was full as all three were wearing ear protection and guarding against hearing loss. They listened to my years of talking about hearing, hearing loss, auditory verbal therapy, hearing devices, and more!

Everyone knows that wearing sunblock protects against sun damage but we need to share with family, friends, and strangers that ear protection can protect against hearing loss caused by loud noises. Noise-induced hearing loss can build over time, is permanent, and is preventable!

Teach kids about noise and hearing loss, by being a good role model..
1. Wear hearing protectors, such as earplugs or earmuffs.
2. Move away from the noise.
3. Lower the volume.
4. Learn more at

Do you work with families and children that are deaf and hard of hearing? Check out my Listen with Lynn resources, games, and activities!

Multiple Meaning Words And Children With Hearing Loss


🐸 Toad or Towed?

Homophones are words that sound the same as a toad 🐸 and towed 🛻-🚗 but are spelled differently and have different meanings. There are over 7700 homophones in the English language and many puns, jokes, and cartoons are based on homophones.

🐸 Children with limited vocabularies often struggle to understand and use multiple-meaning words. This negatively impacts their listening and reading comprehension.

🐸 Do you talk about contextually-based vocabulary and metacognitive skills with kids with hearing loss?

In LSL auditory verbal therapy, I offer tips and strategies for parents to help their children understand jokes and why they are funny. This expands the children’s vocabulary and grows flexible language skills like multiple-meaning words, idioms, puns. Memorizing jokes grow auditory memory skills, encourages clear speech when retelling, and builds perspective-taking and social skills.


Relax Enjoy Summer - Listening And Spoken Language Activities For Kids With Hearing Loss


Listen, Riddle & Rhyme is a mini-lesson and a competitive game that uses the excitement of summer while players build auditory skills, solve riddles with rhyming clues and learn summertime vocabulary. 

The object of the game is for kids to:
- Listen to a category clue. (e.g., a biting insect)
- Listen to a rhyming word clue. (e.g., burrito)
- Auditorily recall both clues, process, think and then name a related summer word.
(A biting insect that rhymes with burrito is a mosquito.) 🦟

Summer fun that targets
☀️ word knowledge
☀️ categories
☀️ rhyming
☀️ listening for details
☀️ inferences
☀️ critical thinking
☀️ auditory processing
☀️ auditory closure
☀️ auditory memory
☀️ auditory comprehension

Try this riddle!
Listen and think of a summer drink that rhymes with 🍋 lemonade? 
You got it! 🦻🏽 A hearing aid!

🌴 Relax. 🍹 Enjoy Summer. ⛱️ LSL Resources Ready To Go!
Listen and Draw At The Pool
Summer Idioms Listen and Learn
Summer Vocabulary Flexible Language Game
Summer Auditory Comprehension Listen, Search & Find Games
Buzz Off! Listening, Language and Vocabulary Builder 5 Games In One
Self-Advocacy Scenarios - Turning Lemons Into Lemonade
Summer Auditory Skills Summer - No Prep Found Sounds - Outdoor Listening
Four Auditory Comprehension Listen, Search & Find Games For Summer