Egg-Citing Spring Conversation Activities For Listening and Language


Kids love these Egg-Citing Spring Conversation activities and so do parents, listening and spoken language therapists, and teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing. This resource targets seasonal vocabulary, back-and-forth conversational, and social skills. It's perfect to level up and down and for mixed groups of kids and to play at home while building listening and spoken language while having fun!

This EGG-Citing game includes a variety of starters: NAME - DESCRIBE - TELL - WOULD YOU RATHER -TONGUE TWISTERS AND RIDDLES.

Three-Ways To Play

1. Hide the plastic eggs in your classroom, therapy room, home, or yard. Begin the hunt and have the child find and collect all the eggs in the carton or a basket.

2. Add following direction listening clues while hunting for the conversational eggs. Look for an egg by where you hang your jacket, under the table, and so on. Examples are provided.

3. At play with family and friends at their holiday get-together. Encourage the child to lead the conversation starters. Spend plenty of time practicing so the game is entertaining and fun for all. It’s a terrific confidence and language-building opportunity for the child.

This Egg-Citing resource includes

  • 18 Egg Conversation Starters in holidays shapes

  • Egg carton label to hold plastic eggs

  • Listening and Spoken Language playing tips

  • Serve and Return prompts to expand a conversation

  • A role play example back-and-forth conversation with the adult serving as a conversational starter with the child’s returns

Check out the two money-saving Spring Bundles and over 20 Spring listening and language-building games and activities.

Today is wAcKy WeDnEsDaY! Humor for Kids with Hearing Loss!


Today is wAcKy WeDnEsDaY! The Wednesday before April Fools Day is when we read aloud this classic book and focus on absurdities for listening language and vocabulary building.

Describing and explaining What’s Wrong? is an activity that kids love. An instant smile appears when a child sees a duck wearing rubber boots or that is raining under an umbrella.

When a child can talk about why it is crazy an airplane has bird wings, they are using reasoning skills and making inferences.

wAcKy WeDnEsDaY is one of my favorite books with rhymes that make reading fun and enjoyable, while the crazy pictures encourage kids to get involved in the story.

Grab these Free Jokes each month created to develop humor in kids with hearing loss.


Math Activities - Easy As Pie for Kids with Hearing Loss - Pi Day March 14th


Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159.

Explore math-inspired activities for kids that are deaf and hard of hearing with this blog post from the Central Institute For The Deaf then join me and eat a slice of pie. My favorite is cherry. What’s your favorite?

Oh Dear! I Cannot Hear! Celebrating Dr. suess’s Birthday March 2nd


I often use this Dr. Suess quote as an introduction when presenting at school in-services for children in my LSL auditory verbal caseload. It's an ice-breaker that teachers, administrators, staff, and parents all relate to and come together over their love of Dr. Suess. It launches the discussion of each of our roles in helping the child with hearing loss have auditory access at school and helping classmates understand hearing loss.

Oh dear, oh dear! I cannot hear.

Will you please come over near?

Will you please look in my ear?

There must be something there, I fear.

Say look! A bird was in your ear.

But he is out. So have no fear.

Again your ear can hear, my dear.

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish is a book written by Dr. Seuss in 1960.

Deanna at Listening Fun shares Teacher In-service Training Tips. She is an Itinerant Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and also an Auditory Verbal Ed. Mentee. Learn from Deanna at

Pamela Talbot, M.Ed, CCC-SLP, C.E.D, LSLS-Cert AVT offers a recorded PowerPoint, Mainstreaming a Child With Hearing Loss: This one-hour recorded presentation was created to in-service members of a school team who work with a student with hearing loss who is learning through listening and spoken language.

Pam is a dear long-term friend of mine who holds certification as a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist/Auditory Verbal Therapist. Pamela is recognized as a global consultant, presenter, and professional trainer in the fields of language development, parent training, hearing loss, cochlear implants, and aural habilitation. Learn from Pam at

Deanna and Pam are fellow authors of games, activities, and resources for children with hearing loss and the professionals that love them at