Deaf Awareness Week - September


Do you see the LMH 10 SOUND TEST Listen With Lynn resource included in these bags celebrating Deaf Awareness Week?

➼ Deaf Awareness Week is a national week celebrating deafness. It is observed annually throughout the last full week of September. The week focuses on promoting the positive aspects of deafness, encouraging social inclusion, and raising awareness of the organizations that support those who are deaf.

➼ The bags were created by Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Educational Audiologists of Grant Wood Area Education Agency, one of nine AEAs in Iowa.

➼ Download your FREE copy of 10 Sound Test LING MADELL HEWITT Speech Perception Test.

RAFFLE WINNER of Listen With Lynn Resources


Congratulations to Katelyn Wilk, a Speech Language Pathologist who won a gift certificate for my Listen With Lynn resources at the recent Carter Hears! - DHH Educators Series conference.

I am proud to be a sponsor of Carter Hears! Their team is a group of innovative, connected, compassionate, genuine, and dedicated people who are #changingthefaceofdeafed. Carter Hears! is regionally and globally recognized for its excellence in Deaf Education!


Follow Carter Hears on social media or to the website for future workshops @carterhears

empowEAR Audiology podcast Host Carrie and I come Full Circle


Take a listen to the empowEAR Audiology podcast on August 5, 2022, hosted by Carrie Spangler, Au.D, CCC-A. Carrie and I have a long history together as I was one of Carrie's early childhood audiologists when I still lived in Ohio. 

Carrie's parents were tremendous advocates and committed to doing whatever it took for her to learn to listen and develop spoken language. 

Well, it worked! Today Dr. Spangler is a dedicated professional in the field of educational audiology and has a passionate personal journey of living successfully with hearing loss. 

I was humbled to be a guest on Carrie's recent podcast. I loved going down memory lane together and then chatting as dear friends and colleagues. 

Leadership Opportunities for Teens For Teens Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Meet my friend Nate. I was Nathan and his family’s Auditory-Verbal Therapist and good friends today.  Nate traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in AG Bell’s LOFT (Leadership Opportunities for Teens) program earlier this month. LOFT was established in 1996 and is dedicated to shaping and transforming the lives of deaf and hard of hearing teens by fostering valuable skills of self-advocacy, self-confidence, leadership, and communication. For five days, Nate bonded with 18 other kids, learned a lot, had a blast, and did plenty of sightseeing.  

Nate has a great personality advanced in academics, literacy, and social skills. A few of his achievements include:

  • Competitive Speech Team. Nate's events include persuasive speech and radio speaking

  • Honors French for his foreign language requirement

  • Nathan will soon earn the highest honor and national-level recognition for Boy Scouts of America as a Distinguished Eagle Scout Award.

  • Photography became Nate’s interest and hobby during the pandemic. He bought his own camera and is taking photography classes.

Nate is personable, curious, compassionate, and a well-rounded young man. His speech, language, and academic abilities are commensurate with his hearing peers. This is a result of Nate's family's unwavering commitment to listening and spoken language, his cochlear implant hearing technology, the dedicated professionals on his team, and Nate's motivation and work ethic.

Nate’s Dad and Mom took turns attending our auditory verbal therapy sessions which was an essential part of his listening and spoken language success.

Nate and his Mom kicking off a new school year last week.

Over the years I have had many of my auditory verbal graduates attend LOFT. Part of what makes AG Bell's LOFT programs so important to these teens is the everlasting bond they establish with their peers who often become lifelong friends.

Learn more about the LOFT program at the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

ALDA Chicago Workshop Auditory Rehabilitation Post CI (Association for Late Deafened Adults)


On the 26th of June, I presented at the 2022 ALDA Chicago Chapter Workshop. (Association of Late-Deafened Adults). It was an outstanding event. I enjoyed sharing, answering questions, and chatting with members and other professional colleagues.

The organization has been meeting in greater Chicagoland since 1987, with a motto to provide support, education, and camaraderie for adults with hearing loss.

Learn more at about the National ALDA Organization and the Chicago Chapter. Click Here to view or download the ALDA brochure.

Andy and Carol Ban are dear friends of mine. We first met in the early 1990s soon after I relocated to Chicagoland. We served together on the Illinois Chapter of A.G. Bell. What rich memories!