The Wordmaker

In the midst, of the shelter in place orders, a family I see for auditory verbal therapy sent me a fascinating book. King Moo the Woodmaker by Pers Crowell ©1976. Dad had a copy when he was young. Mom loves how it draws a parallel to the Learning To Listen Sounds and spoken language. Have you read this book?

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King Moo, a primitive man makes words from the sounds of animals and nature and teaches the words to his tribe. S-S -s-s-s for the snake; Ow-w--Wow-W--Wow-w for the dog; M-M-m-oo-oo-oo" for the bull and more. "He wanted sounds to tell others when he felt well, or when he felt bad. He wanted to be able to tell then what he wanted...."

Each time Moo made a new word he taught the other cavemen what it meant and showed them how to make it with their tongue and lips and teeth. The story tells that Moo became the first person to invent words, have a name and become the first king, King Moo.
