"I'm BORED!" Here's Help For Kids With Hearing Loss

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This mini-poster is a terrific home and family resource to post on your fridge. It provides ideas for kids to find something to do and bust the boredom! This was originally created at the beginning of the Covid and long months of quarantine but serves a great purpose especially as the long dog days of summer begin.

If this isn't helpful, you can try what I did when my girls when were young. If they couldn't find something worthwhile to do I would happily assign chores. 😉 Parenting is hard but remember that you are your child's first and best teacher. Even on your worst day, ninety percent of parenting is being there. So, good for you. You’re doing a great job.

Remember it may be hard for kids to decide what to do because their time is usually so structured that they aren’t used to much “free time” and finding fun things to do. School typically takes up much of their days and downtime is often screen time. Thus, many children and teens aren’t experienced in looking inside themselves for direction. If there is no one to play with they may have not yet discovered things they like to do by themselves. 

Parenting is hard but remembers that you are your child's first and best teacher.
Even on your worst day, ninety percent of parenting is being there.
So, good for you. You’re doing a great job!

❤ You'll love all the Listen With Lynn FREE resources including the Boredom Buster reminder!  

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