SUMMER OF SILENCE - A journey from hearing to deafness to re-implantation

 Summer of Silence  - Click HERE to read.
November 29, 2016
Urban Plains 

 Sydney Price, one of my Auditory Verbal graduates is a Senior at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. She writes the story of while studying abroad in Italy her cochlear implant failed. Health insurance left her in limbo and she experienced a summer of silence and struggled with her identity. Her article is an awe-inspiring first-hand account of her journey from hearing to deafness to re-implantation.

“Not every deaf person gets to say they took their hearing for granted. I did.” writes Sydney.

Sydney began AVT as an infant and continued in therapy for many years. We kept in touch over the years and she returned for Auditory Rehabilitation this summer after being re-implanted due to her cochlear implant device failure. 

Sydney is on the left enjoying a Summer Family Picnic with 
my Hearing Connections Group back in the 90's

 I love her quote, 
“I didn’t just need a slew of audiologist appointments to test if I could hear.
I needed auditory rehabilitation to help retrain my brain
 so I could understand what I was hearing.


I've been a guest at Advanced Bionics Headquarters in Valencia, CA and viewed cochlear implants being made, seeing the technology and meeting the people.  One of my AVT graduates recently toured also and saw where her CI was built. It was amazing that the gift of hearing was being created in our view.

Below are links from the Med-EL Blog for behind-the-scenes look at how 
 MED-EL cochlear implants are made. 

FAQ- Cochlear Implants - Bringing The Gift of Sound

Frequently Asked Beginning Questions

  • Cochlear implants are not new. They have been around for more than 30 years.

  • The ear surgery required is a routine, outpatient procedure that takes approximately 2-3 hours.

  • Cochlear implants are safe, effective, FDA-approved devices that help when hearing aids cannot.

  • A cochlear implant is not a hearing aid. A hearing aid makes sound louder, but a cochlear implant works differently. It directly stimulates the hearing nerve and goes around the damaged parts of the ear 
