SUMMER OF SILENCE - A journey from hearing to deafness to re-implantation

 Summer of Silence  - Click HERE to read.
November 29, 2016
Urban Plains 

 Sydney Price, one of my Auditory Verbal graduates is a Senior at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. She writes the story of while studying abroad in Italy her cochlear implant failed. Health insurance left her in limbo and she experienced a summer of silence and struggled with her identity. Her article is an awe-inspiring first-hand account of her journey from hearing to deafness to re-implantation.

“Not every deaf person gets to say they took their hearing for granted. I did.” writes Sydney.

Sydney began AVT as an infant and continued in therapy for many years. We kept in touch over the years and she returned for Auditory Rehabilitation this summer after being re-implanted due to her cochlear implant device failure. 

Sydney is on the left enjoying a Summer Family Picnic with 
my Hearing Connections Group back in the 90's

 I love her quote, 
“I didn’t just need a slew of audiologist appointments to test if I could hear.
I needed auditory rehabilitation to help retrain my brain
 so I could understand what I was hearing.


Stop by and visit my Inspiration Station
on Saturday, July 2nd
 4:45 to 5:45 
at the AG Bell Convention 2016, in Denver

“Inspiration Station” Presenters will share an idea, activity, or materials that they have used to develop listening and spoken language therapy and in auditory rehabilitation. Attendees will flow through the room of table presentations. Join in the energy! Join in the fun!

Check back as the Game Changer Downloads 
will be posted after the convention in July.

Cochlear's Communication Corner

The Communication Corner
The Communication Corner provides age-appropriate resources to help maximize your or your loved one’s hearing. The training programs include fun and engaging activities from early listening to more complex conversations to use of technology.
Click HERE

  1. Choose the most appropriate age level to view the various programs available within the site.
  2. Use the program sample to see if the program meets your needs to improve your or your loved one’s communication skills.
  3. Take the short assessment to get guidance as to where to start within the program.
  4. Come back often as there will be suggestions for which programs to try next.           
Each program has a short assessment which helps you know where to start. This ensures tasks are at the right level and will be fun and engaging. You will always have access to easier materials if you would like to practice skills you have already mastered.

Consulting for Advanced Bionics- Hear and Be Heard™

It is always a nice change of pace to take a few days break from my private practice at the Auditory Verbal Center of Wheaton and consult for Advanced Bionics. Earlier, this month I had another opportunity to spend a couple days talking with educators and other professionals about cochlear implants and sharing information about Advanced Bionic's amazing RehAB resources. 

Bionic Ear Association- Hear and Be Heard

The BEA is comprised of caring professionals and a dedicated team of volunteers who provide you and your loved ones with information, education, and support for choosing, getting, and living with cochlear implants.

Links for BEA Resources  

Listening and Learning Resources

Classroom Tools for Your Child

Comprehensive Education and Support

Auditory Rehabilitation- What to Expect.

Today's post can be found at:  Med-El

Nothing is most important to realizing the benefits of having a cochlear implant than auditory rehabilitation therapy. Improvements following initial programming sessions tend to happen quickly, but further improvements can surface for many months and even years. The involvement of your family and friends in the therapeutic process greatly enhances success.
You can expect therapy programs to include some or all of the following components:
    Auditory training, including analytic skill development
    Communication skills training
Conversational techniques - Repair strategies
Assertiveness training - Interpersonal skills
Coping mechanisms 
    Voice therapy
Articulation - Voice and resonance
Rhythm - Timing
    Speech production training
    Speech reading
Information on the auditory system 
and hearing loss
The effects of hearing loss on communication
The impact of background noise and 
poor listening conditions
The importance of visual input, audiovisual 
integration and attending behavior
The impact of talker differences 
and social conditions
Benefits and limitations of speech reading
Benefits and limitations of assistive devices
The use of community resources
Self-help groups

Depending on individual needs, therapy goals 
may include:
    Development of realistic expectations
    Systematic auditory and auditory-visual training 
    Communication skills training