Games That Maximize LSL Skills For Older Kids

For young children and their families, we tuck LSL learning into engaging activities with toys, books, songs, and daily routines. Older children want to have fun, and there is no reason they shouldn’t. Many older kids have been in therapy for years and are not motivated by activities that look like therapy, so games are powerful tools. Two of my favorite games are:

Don’t Say It! Pressman (Ages 6 and up)
Can you get the other players to say FISH? It’s not as easy as it sounds because you can’t say scales, fins, water, or hook.

Skills: Promotes flexible thinking and vocabulary
BackSeat Drawing Junior Patch Products (Ages 7 and up)
The artists don’t know what they are drawing but listen and follow the instructions given by another player.
Skills: Fosters describing, problem-solving and clarification skills
is a guest blog I wrote for the Central Institute For The Deaf  Professional Development.

Commercially available games that maximize listening, spoken language, and communication are a “WIN” for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Playing board games in therapy, school and at home can foster positive attitudes towards learning. Well-chosen games played with Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) strategies and techniques strengthen listening skills, direction following, expand vocabulary, auditory memory, auditory processing and comprehension of conversational speech. Simply by playing games, children learn important social skills such as sharing, waiting, taking turns and self-advocacy strategies. Following game rules and fair play builds respect. Games help children take responsibility for their own communication success as they are motivated to listen to others, use intelligible speech and express their thoughts clearly.
Roald Dahl once wrote, “Life is more fun when you play games.”  Studies reveal playing games produces endorphins that stimulate the brain. These endorphins give children a great sense of happiness and excitement that foster favorable learning opportunities. Games can make learning seem almost effortless. For young children and their families in early intervention, we tuck LSL learning into engaging activities with toys, books, songs and daily routines. Older children want to have fun, and there is no reason they shouldn’t. Many kids and teens have been in therapy for years and are not motivated by activities that look like therapy, so board games are powerful tools.
The Game Plan
Professionals and parents are responsible for weaving LSL strategies, goals and objectives into the game experience. A GAME PLAN is paramount for positive outcomes rather than just a lucky roll of the dice. A strategy for success is worked out in advance. Step one is choosing a game that is developmentally appropriate based on the child’s current goals and their listening, language and learning needs. Resist the temptation to play a game only because it is popular or marketed as therapy-based or educational. Secondly, determine which LSL strategies to incorporate for effective gameplay. Auditory first, wait time, an expectant look, providing choices, adjusting the size of the set, pausing before challenging information, modeling a correct response and asking, “What did you hear?” facilitate auditory learning. Finally, prepare ahead and know the game set up, rules and any modifications. There is a wise adage often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
Click HERE to read on.
Central Institute for the Deaf is a school for the deaf that teaches students using listening and spoken language, also known as the auditory-oral approach. The school is located in St. Louis, Missouri. CID is affiliated Washington University in St. Louis.

Join Lynn Wood at the 2017 AG Bell Listening and Spoken Language Symposium

 The session participants will:
  1. Gain knowledge and skills in choosing and implementing activities, apps and games that can be valuable tools for maximizing LSL, literacy and communication success.
  2. Describe specific LSL techniques and strategies when using the games and activities in therapy sessions and educational lessons.
  3. Become familiar with some current auditory (re)habilitation tools and resources which support LSL outcomes.

Program Abstract:
You understand the principles of Listening and Spoken Language, now put them to work!   Learn fun, effective, hands-on LSL activities, games, apps and tools to sharpen auditory, language, literacy and communication success in children, teens and adults who are deaf or hard of hearing. Strategies, techniques and best practices for LSL will be incorporated throughout the session.

Modeling LSL based games to be played at home with friends and family is a functional way to engage others in children, teen, and adult auditory learning, communication skills, and carryover. Motivating and valuable LSL materials promote confidence and communication success in hearing aids users and cochlear implant recipients throughout their hearing journey.

Key recommendations and suggestions for engaging materials and tools for LSL sessions and lessons will be discussed. LSL resources and auditory rehabilitation tools commercially available that support listeners of all ages and stages will be highlighted and shared.

Tools for LSL professionals, educational audiologists, hearing itinerants, speech and language pathologists, teachers, parents, caregivers, peers and for the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing will be explored.

The format of this session will be interactive with demonstrations and audience participation.

Lynn Wood Presents at HEAR INDIANA Parent Education and Encouragement Session- September 24, 2016

Parent Education and Encouragement Session

Saturday, September 24th
from 9:00 - 12:00

Click HERE for registration.

This session will guide families to use Apps as interactive tools for Listening and Language Learning. There is no limit to the listening, language and learning possibilities available through apps. Apps are common tools in auditory verbal practices, clinics, schools and homes. If you own a device that runs apps, you have valuable resources at your fingertips (and at your child’s fingertips too!). 

I will present strategies to engage, extend and expand on apps designed to promote listening and spoken language. The session will provide parents with ideas for making connections with apps to meaningful conversations and experiences, strategies to consider, the pros and cons of using apps over traditional materials and how to integrate the benefits of both. Key factors in choosing apps will be discussed. 

I will share suggestions for “exploding” some featured apps through themes and with traditional books, songs, crafts, games and more. The format of the session will be interactive using iPad apps, hands-on materials and audience participation. If you have an iPad or tablet bring it to the presentation.

Professional and Parent Education Sessions

Friday, September 23, 2016,
from 7:00 - 5:00


Stop by and visit my Inspiration Station
on Saturday, July 2nd
 4:45 to 5:45 
at the AG Bell Convention 2016, in Denver

“Inspiration Station” Presenters will share an idea, activity, or materials that they have used to develop listening and spoken language therapy and in auditory rehabilitation. Attendees will flow through the room of table presentations. Join in the energy! Join in the fun!

Check back as the Game Changer Downloads 
will be posted after the convention in July.