AV Graduate Anthony Alfano Featured In Chicago Lighthouses On The Mag Mile

I am so excited to share that Anthony Alfano, one of my AV graduates is featured in Lighthouses on the Mag Mile, a public art display celebrating access and inclusion for people with disabilities from 

The Chicago Lighthouse Deaf-Blind Program

 . Fifty-one 6 foot lighthouse sculptures on North Michigan Avenue are catching the public’s eye and capture their hearts this summer. 

Anthony is pictured as King Cole the merry old soul. His chair became his throne as he calls for his p

ipe, bowl and fiddlers three. Rich Green’s illustrations on the lighthouse will be soon to be published book, Chicago Treasure that features photos of children from all over Chicago in leading roles of classic fairy tales, nursery rhymes and folk tales. Proceeds from sales will be donated to The Chicago Lighthouse for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired, and Access Living.

Children that are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Can Hear Talk and Connect

Please include attribution to the Alexander Graham Bell Association (http://www.agbell.org/) with this graphic.


- See more at: http://www.agbell.org/AG-Bell-infographic-2015/#sthash.YaMmBZMf.dpuf

Auditory Rehabilitation- What to Expect.

Today's post can be found at:  Med-El  http://www.medel.com/us/max-listening-and-com-auditory-rehabilitation/

Nothing is most important to realizing the benefits of having a cochlear implant than auditory rehabilitation therapy. Improvements following initial programming sessions tend to happen quickly, but further improvements can surface for many months and even years. The involvement of your family and friends in the therapeutic process greatly enhances success.
You can expect therapy programs to include some or all of the following components:
    Auditory training, including analytic skill development
    Communication skills training
Conversational techniques - Repair strategies
Assertiveness training - Interpersonal skills
Coping mechanisms 
    Voice therapy
Articulation - Voice and resonance
Rhythm - Timing
    Speech production training
    Speech reading
Information on the auditory system 
and hearing loss
The effects of hearing loss on communication
The impact of background noise and 
poor listening conditions
The importance of visual input, audiovisual 
integration and attending behavior
The impact of talker differences 
and social conditions
Benefits and limitations of speech reading
Benefits and limitations of assistive devices
The use of community resources
Self-help groups

Depending on individual needs, therapy goals 
may include:
    Development of realistic expectations
    Systematic auditory and auditory-visual training 
    Communication skills training

Plug-in an Individuals Hearing Thresholds - Hearing Loss Simulator

Here is a hearing loss simulator, where you can plug in an individual's thresholds.

 NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator

The NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator is a software training and communication tool for promoting hearing loss prevention. It allows a user or trainer to demonstrate the effects of noise exposure on hearing without experiencing an actual noise-induced hearing loss.
HLSim is a Windows®-based program that displays a "control panel" for playing sounds while adjusting the simulated effects of noise and aging. A simulated individual's age (in years) can be entered along with the years of exposure to noise (in A-weighted decibels). The effects are shown visually on the frequency band control panel and sound level display screen while the user listens to the audio playback.
This completely rewritten version of HLSim adds compatibility with the latest 32 and 64-bit Windows® operating systems and now supports mp3 sound files and other popular audio file formats.
  • Windows Installer 3.1 or later;
  • Pentium 1 GHz or higher with at least 512 MB RAM;
  • Minimum disk space: 32 bit version - 850 MB, 64 bit version - 2 GB
Installation instructions:
  • Download the appropriate ZIP archive (32 bit or 64 bit)
  • Unpack it into a temporary folder and run Setup.exe.
The software can be downloaded from this page, or ordered on CD. The download archive also includes the NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator Instruction and Training Guide.
Audience: Trainers, workers, and hearing loss professionals