"I'm BORED!" Here's Help For Kids With Hearing Loss

Listen With Lynn Free Download

Listen With Lynn Free Download


This mini-poster is a terrific home and family resource to post on your fridge. It provides ideas for kids to find something to do and bust the boredom! This was originally created at the beginning of the Covid and long months of quarantine but serves a great purpose especially as the long dog days of summer begin.

If this isn't helpful, you can try what I did when my girls when were young. If they couldn't find something worthwhile to do I would happily assign chores. 😉 Parenting is hard but remember that you are your child's first and best teacher. Even on your worst day, ninety percent of parenting is being there. So, good for you. You’re doing a great job.

Remember it may be hard for kids to decide what to do because their time is usually so structured that they aren’t used to much “free time” and finding fun things to do. School typically takes up much of their days and downtime is often screen time. Thus, many children and teens aren’t experienced in looking inside themselves for direction. If there is no one to play with they may have not yet discovered things they like to do by themselves. 

Parenting is hard but remembers that you are your child's first and best teacher.
Even on your worst day, ninety percent of parenting is being there.
So, good for you. You’re doing a great job!

❤ You'll love all the Listen With Lynn FREE resources including the Boredom Buster reminder!  

Click here: FREEBIES!

Planting Flowers A Barrier Game For Kids With Hearing Loss

Nothing is much more fun than siblings competing while playing a barrier game and planting flowers. The barrier keeps both players from seeing each other’s garden and focus on listening alone. The TALKER gives verbal directions to help the LISTENER choose the critical elements describing the stems, leaves, and flowers to plant their flower garden in exactly the same way. A spring and summer favorite activity that targets auditory comprehension and expressive language skills such as:

🌼 Listening carefully to directions and details.

🌺 Giving clear and concise directions.

🌸 Questioning for clarification and accuracy.

🌼 Comprehending and expressing basic concepts.

🌺 Using and understanding vocabulary.

🌸 Using describing words such as adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions.

🌼 Discussing and reflecting on an activity.

Create a Flower (1).png

A Scale To Measure Parental Involvement in Young Children With Hearing Loss

The SPISE-R (Scale of Parental Involvement and Self-Efficacy-Revised) is a promising tool for use in early intervention to better understand parents’ strengths and for counseling needs regards supporting their young child’s auditory access and spoken language development.

Having a better understanding of parents’ beliefs, knowledge, confidence, and actions can provide professionals in early intervention with information regarding parents’ areas of strengths (areas in which they are most knowledgeable and confident) and areas in which to provide additional support or guidance.(Ambrose, Appenzeller, & DesJardin, 2020)

Learn about the research “Beliefs and Evaluating Self-Efficacy of Parents of Young Children with Hearing Loss” go to Appendix A to download the full scale. Below is a sneak peek of the three-page scale.

Ambrose, S. E., Appenzeller, M., & DesJardin, J. L. (2020). Evaluating self-efficacy in parents of children with hearing loss. The Hearing Journal, 73(9). doi:10.1097/01.hj.0000717176.09147.0d

What tools do you use to identify parents’ needs? 

Lazy Days of Summer No Prep Activities For Kids With Hearing Loss

The birds are singing, flowers are bloomin’ and summer is around the corner. Take it easy with no-prep summer resources for growing listening and spoken language.
Go on and make it a great day! It's the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors.

Kids love the Found Sounds outdoor scavenger hunt that builds listening and descriptive language skills. You'll love that it's only two bucks!


Grab another $2.00 winner the classic,  I’m Going On A ________ activity that's perfect for spring and summer. No wonder it’s well-loved and popular with adults and kids.


First, choose a category.
No sweat!
20 are printed on the game board. Kids are so motivated because the letters of the alphabet are provided which boosts memory skills.
It's an easy game that targets listening, vocabulary, categories, auditory memory, and auditory recall.


Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.
Make your summer sessions and lessons easy and carefree with this SUMMER Bundle of Six popular activities
for growing listening and language.

Listen, Search & Find Games Summer
Summer Vocabulary Flexible Language Game
Summer Idioms Listen and Learn
Listen, Riddle & Rhyme Summer
Listen and Draw At The Pool
Summer Auditory Skills
It's a savings of $7.00!


Check out the new June - Listen By The Month resource and as always grab the
 FREE monthly riddles and jokes.

Father of Aural Rehabilitation - Mark Ross


"When someone in the family has a hearing loss, the entire family has a hearing problem."
Attributed to Mark Ross, Ph.D.

With great sadness, I share the news that Dr. Mark Ross passed away on April 21, 2021, at 94 years of age. Mark had a long and stellar career in audiology and is known as the “father of aural rehabilitation”. Dr. Ross had a great impact on more than a generation of audiologists and was a strong advocate for those who are hard of hearing even in his retirement. His contributions to aural rehabilitation have been profound and he will be missed. Mark himself had a significant hearing loss due to the damage he suffered while serving in WWII.